Thursday, August 30, 2007

Junior Knights AA-Jack Made It!!

It's been a long road but he finally made it! Last year Jack's hopes were crashed when he got cut from the AAA team and then crashed and burned in the AA tryout. This year he's been strong in all the skates except for one and tonight he finally got the good news. We are so proud of both the accomplishment and the determination he has shown over the past couple of weeks.

2.5 km run, 5 min rest, 2.5 km run

Did my warm up and started to run. I was still very stiff from the lunges the other day and my hips, thighs and hammies were all wonky. I ended up running for 12 min at a moderate intensity...rested and returned. Not a good result based on the goal effort but at least I was out there.

All Work and no play makes Mike a dull boy!! Play on!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Coach Dave Workout

Watch out when coach Dave gets onto a I was the victim of Dave's interest in grip strength.


Static Hang for max time: 2:01

Tabata Static Hang

"pretend like you're hanging on for dear life...." I now know it'll take about 2 minutes before I plunge to my death from the rock face

Bench Press:

5 Warm up sets

6 sets of 205x3 reps

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Catchup Post

CFWU-subbed knees to elbows instead of situps and assisted pistols for squats

400M walking lunges
385 steps 18:45

The other day:

Max BW Squats-280 and feet were cramping.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back from Camping Trip

Dave game me some workouts to do while I was away. They were short and concise just to keep me from getting stale. But I skipped them because I carried almost all the gear for this trip over all the portages and it was more challenging that what was laid out for me. I assumed this would be ok?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tough workout before some time off...


Tabata GHSU score-7


20#overhead walking lunge
1 pood SDHP

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Twilight Workout

Sam at the Western Football Camp

Ran 2 miles time


Monday, August 13, 2007

Carling Heights before soccer


Four rounds for time of:

15 OHS #70
400 m run

Time: 11:40

One Mile Test

Run warm up

1 mile as fast as you can.


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dead Lifts

Lift Warm up


I did the last set for fun but realized after the workout that I was supposed to do 6 sets....I could have done another rep at least but didn't want to chance it.

Press Trifecta from August 6

Lift Warm Up



L Sit practice
10 knees to elbows
flat pullups
10 donkey kicks

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

That sucked!

Run warm up

5 km Ruck Run #20


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Painstorm with Uncle Steve

800 M Run
50 Box jumps, 20"
10 Pull ups
40 Overhead squats 45 LBS
10 Pull ups
30 Thrusters 45 LBS
10 Pull ups
20 Handstand push ups subbed 70 # military press
10 Pull ups
10 Muscle ups-jumped last two
10 Pullups
400 M Run
10 Pullups
10 Muscle ups jumped last one
10 Pull ups
20 Handstand push ups as above
10 Pull ups
30 Thrusters 45LBS
10 Pull ups
40 Overhead squats 45LBS
10 Pull ups
50 Box jumps, 20#
800 M Run
56:55Sweaty again.

Cape Chin Workouts


10 Ring Dips

15 odd object cleans

as many rounds in 15 minutes as possible.

7 rounds

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Carling climate on a hot muggy day


For time

#95 Thrusters 21-15-9
300 single unders, skipping between sets


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hills & Taco Bell?

Warm up with the kids at soccer....

Run 6 of the hills at Hyde Park and Oxford...ran up and down and then rest

2:00 minute rest between hills