Monday, November 30, 2009

Warm-up: Cycle for 10 minutes Begin with a 5 minute run and move right into the endurance portion of the workout once you’ve stretched out lower extremities. Once that’s completed, move inside and continue to stretch the shoulder girdle, triceps and lower body.
WOD: 7 rounds of 7 push-press 115#, 7 weighted pull-ups and 7 V-up. Push-press weight between 135 – 175 lbs, weighted pull-up weight between 20 35 lbs (not weighted because of biceps). 16:00
Strength: Rest
Endurance: Run 5 rounds of 400 meters at a 1:05 – 1:20 pace.
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed – Olympic bar, weight and somewhere to run.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday 084
Warm-up: Hydrate and warm up. If you're sore from yesterday, focus on those areas longer and more in depth.
WOD: Rest
Strength: Low back squat 5 x 5 245#. Work as heavy as you can still maintain great form and a full set.
Bench Press 5x1 205, 215, 225, 235
Endurance: Recovery – Choose to Run for 20 minutes, swim for 10 or row for 10. Keep it moderate today and get the blood flowing.
Coach's Comments: Equipment needed - Oly bar and weight. Take the chance once your finished to stretch and focus on active recovery.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday 078
Warm-up: Focus on that lower body today. Light 15 minute run before settling into two sets of ten medicine ball cleans, squats, push-ups prior to moving onto shoulder rotations and hip mobility drills. Work 4 rounds of plank work in for 45 seconds each position. Wrap up with a final stretch and get ready for the WOD.
WOD: 4 rounds of a 400- meter run and 50 squats, post time to comments.
Strength: 5 x 5 push-press, 125#beginning light and working to a weight where all five are difficult but you can still complete them without splitting the set.
Endurance: Sprints Running/Rowing/Swimming: 20 seconds on and 30 seconds off for 10 rounds after the solid warm-up.-Didn't do time
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed – Olympic bar and weights. If doing all three today use the strength as part of the warm-up before moving to the WOD. Spend a couple of hours ( 3+ hours) recovering before completing the sprint work. Stuff like this sprint work is best done with a buddy if you’ve got one around to heckle you.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday 077
Warm-up: Begin with shoulder and hip mobility drills. 10 squats, pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and revisit the shoulders and lower body with a solid stretch.
WOD: Heavy thruster 115#and weighted pull-ups - no weight� No time limit: 10, 9, 8 to 1 repetitions of each.
Strength: Weighted dips 5 x 5-25#
Endurance: Rest
Coach�s comments: Strength day, equipment needed � Oly bar, weight and a strap for your waist. Moving through the WOD should take you 30 � 40 minutes of solid work. Shoot for 90 � 155 lbs for the thrusters and 25 � 55 lbs for the pull-ups. Work through entire ranges of motion at both the bottom of the movements and top. Check out these two hip mobility drills (Mountain Athlete) (SEALfit). Take your time and really loosen up your core. Work both the right and left sides. Hydrate, stretch and roll out.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday 076

In honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah.
■Run 800 meters
■Run 400 meters backwards
■Run 800 meters
■Run 400 meters backwards
For time

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday 073
Warm-up: Hydrate and get a solid stretch in after taking a light 800 meter run. Hang out on a pull-up bar, ledge or anything you can hang on and stretch those shoulders out from yesterday. Begin with a light 45 lb bar and knock out 25 reps of Curtis P’s before beginning Annie. It would be advisable to practice with a jump rope as double unders are not our normal fare. As per usual, hydrate and stretch before and after. You had better be keeping up on your recovery.
WOD: “Annie” Double-unders and sit-ups, 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10 repetitions of each. Substitute 4 single jump ropes for every double under if you are unable to do double unders (did knees to chest jumps)
Strength: Shoulder press 5 x 3 with the max weight that you can hold for the duration of the sets. Finished with 135 but 125 was the weight
Endurance: Ruck march for 3 – 5 miles with #30 lbs. Did 45# but only went one mile.
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed – Ruck and sand bag with 30 lbs, Oly bar, weight and a jump rope. Feel free to move right into the endurance following the WOD and strength workouts today. Start with the strength and focus on solid form and reps before beginning the WOD.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yeah..I'm back

Ate pretty good today...except for the M&M's after supper

Tuesday 072
Warm-up: Begin your workout with 25 air squats and move onto some deep stretches with the dips. Today’s workout is shoulder intensive and you need to be warmed up prior to beginning. Prior to starting the WOD get a few good pull-ups in, kipping is ok for now, we’re working on some serious brachiating and the development of that shoulder girdle.
WOD: AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 12 minutes of 15 bench dips and 15 pull-ups (jumping) Post rounds completed to comments.
Strength: Front Squat max weight 5 sets of 3 repetitions at the heaviest weight (155#) you can do. Start light with 1 – 2 set reps and find the highest working weight you can manage for all 5 sets. Watch your form and throw a 1 / 2'” plate underneath your heels if you’re having stability problems. Form is everything to a better front squat.
Endurance: Rest
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed – Olympic bar, weights and a pull-up bar. Think sustainable pace and output for the WOD. Keep the form as strict as possible. Front squats are a great indicator of power, core strength and technique. Off on any one of these and you simply will not see the numbers.

Miscellaneous get back into it...

I've been sick...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday 067
Warm-up: Warm up with light dead-lifts and lower back, hamstring and quad stretches. Spend at least 15 minutes warming up prior to stretching. Hydrate and complete the strength portion first followed by the WOD.
WOD: Dead-lifts and burpees, 3 rounds of 10 185 lb dead-lifts and 15 burpees.
Strength: Front squat 5 x 3 reps and weighted lunges with 25% body weight 4 x 4
Endurance: 2 mile run at 85%.
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed- Olympic weight bar, weights and dumbbells. Split the endurance workout later into the day, preferably 3+hours.

Didn't do time

Monday, November 9, 2009

Training Feed
Monday 064
Warm-up: Warm up with 15 minutes of running followed by shoulder rotations and hanging from a pull-up bar for three sets of 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest in between. Continue the warm-up with the push-jerk adding weight until you establish a weight for the strength portion of the workout. Hydrate and stretch before, during and after.
WOD: Rest
Strength: Push-jerks 5 sets of 3 repetitions. 115#
Endurance: Two rounds of a run or swim interval ladder. Hold the maximum speed possible throughout each rung of the ladder. Keep track of distance covered.
1 minute on and 1 minute rest
3 minutes on and 3 minutes rest
5 minutes on and 5 minutes rest

Sunday, November 8, 2009


My old football workout routine.

Starting up again

I was hunting and working a lot last week. I didn't work out until today.

Starting up again

I was hunting and working a lot last week. I didn't work out until today.