Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yeah..I'm back

Ate pretty good today...except for the M&M's after supper

Tuesday 072
Warm-up: Begin your workout with 25 air squats and move onto some deep stretches with the dips. Today’s workout is shoulder intensive and you need to be warmed up prior to beginning. Prior to starting the WOD get a few good pull-ups in, kipping is ok for now, we’re working on some serious brachiating and the development of that shoulder girdle.
WOD: AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 12 minutes of 15 bench dips and 15 pull-ups (jumping) Post rounds completed to comments.
Strength: Front Squat max weight 5 sets of 3 repetitions at the heaviest weight (155#) you can do. Start light with 1 – 2 set reps and find the highest working weight you can manage for all 5 sets. Watch your form and throw a 1 / 2'” plate underneath your heels if you’re having stability problems. Form is everything to a better front squat.
Endurance: Rest
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed – Olympic bar, weights and a pull-up bar. Think sustainable pace and output for the WOD. Keep the form as strict as possible. Front squats are a great indicator of power, core strength and technique. Off on any one of these and you simply will not see the numbers.

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