Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday 078
Warm-up: Focus on that lower body today. Light 15 minute run before settling into two sets of ten medicine ball cleans, squats, push-ups prior to moving onto shoulder rotations and hip mobility drills. Work 4 rounds of plank work in for 45 seconds each position. Wrap up with a final stretch and get ready for the WOD.
WOD: 4 rounds of a 400- meter run and 50 squats, post time to comments.
Strength: 5 x 5 push-press, 125#beginning light and working to a weight where all five are difficult but you can still complete them without splitting the set.
Endurance: Sprints Running/Rowing/Swimming: 20 seconds on and 30 seconds off for 10 rounds after the solid warm-up.-Didn't do time
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed – Olympic bar and weights. If doing all three today use the strength as part of the warm-up before moving to the WOD. Spend a couple of hours ( 3+ hours) recovering before completing the sprint work. Stuff like this sprint work is best done with a buddy if you’ve got one around to heckle you.

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