Friday, October 30, 2009

Ran from home to the office.

2 sets of 4 count flutter kicks x 25

warmup squats
5 sets of 5 reps of squats working up to 235#

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday 051
Warm-up: Focus on that lower back today. Grab a moderately heavy kettle bell or dumbbell and knock out 2 handed swings for 15 reps then do the same for single arm swings. Hanging knee raises for 2 rounds of 15 repetitions and some light dead lifts. Stretch and hydrate before, during and after the workouts.
WOD: 20 rounds for time of 1 dead-lift and 15 pushups, increasing the dead-lift by one rep each round. Example, round 1 - 1 dead-lift and 15 push-ups, round 2 - 2 dead-lifts and 15 pushups and etc…
Strength: Weighted pull-ups with an overhand grip- 5 sets of 3 repetitions followed by another set with reverse grip- 5 sets of 3 repetitions. Rest then complete two sets of strict dead hang max pull-ups.
Endurance: Recovery run for 20 minutes at 70%.
Coach's comments: Equipment needed - Olympic bar, weight, place for pull-ups and somewhere to run. Weight for WOD should be between 80 - 100% 134#of bodyweight for the dead lifts. No need to split the workouts apart today. Use the recovery run as a cool down from the workout. Keep track of how your body is doing and if you’re breaking down take breaks. There is absolutely no sense in breaking yourself down before you begin.
A couple questions have come up about overtraining and rest times. Listen to your body; it is the best indicator of how you are doing internally. Failure to do so will lead to overtraining and poor performance.
3... 2... 1... GO!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday 050
Warm-up: Jump rope or run for a few minutes before jumping into a warm-up of three sets of 15 light kettle bell or dumbbell squat cleans and 10 dips. Focus on warming up those shoulders and lower back. Emphasize depth in the squats and dips for the warm-up. Shoulder rotations with Cossack, hamstring and quad stretches are both a requirement for warm-up and cool down.
WOD: As Many rounds as possible of 5 - 2 Kettle bell or dumbbell squat cleans and 10 V-ups in 12 minutes. Aim for 35 to 55 lb dumbbells.
Strength: Weighted dips – 8 sets of 3 repetitions with the highest weight that good form can be maintained. Farmers walk with 3 / 4 bodyweight for 800 meters once the dips are finished. Ran out of time so I didn't get farmers walk done.
Endurance: Rest
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed – Dip bar, two 35 – 55 lb dumbbells or kettle bells and some fire in your gut. Complete the WOD first today if possible and try to split the workouts into two sessions an hour or more apart.
3… 2… 1… GO!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Warm-up: Jog, jump rope or if you�re truly sadistic, do two minutes of burpees for a warm-up. Today is fast so spend more time warming up and getting ready.
WOD: Time is ticking � you have 15 minutes to knock out 50 pull-ups, 150 pushups, 225 squats and a 400-meter run. Break it up however you want to, but failure to complete the entire session is 25 burpees. Post completed time (to include burpees if you earned them) to comments.
Strength: Rest
Stationary Bike for 10 minutes

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Friday 047
Warm-up: Hydrate and warm up. If you're sore from yesterday, focus on those areas longer and more in depth. Easy day today.
WOD: Rest
Strength: Low back squat 5 x 5
Endurance: Recovery - Run or bike for 20 minutes, swim or row for 10. Keep it moderate today and get the blood flowing.(didn't do this)

8 knees to elbows
20 dips
Coach's Comments: Equipment needed - Oly bar and weight. Enjoy days like today. Remember while ramping up for training, more is not always better. Cycle those ups and downs to maximize your returns and you will not regret it. Have a great day today and we'll see you tomorrow.
3... 2... 1... Go!
Thursday I did 5 sets of BP, Squats and Dead Lifts

5 reps

185, 200, 255

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


warm up

5 rounds for time:

4 thrusters 85#
8 burpees
12 lunges supposed to use 85# but did BW


5 sets of 12 BP

Monday, October 19, 2009

My diet has been terrible and I've been feeling terrible...need to make some changes.
Warm-up: Jump rope or jog for 5 minutes before jumping into some stretches. Hydrate and hit today hard. What�s a few body weight movements? Did I hear someone say Tabata?
WOD: "Tabata Something Different"
Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are push-ups, the second 8 are Overhead Squats 45#/35#, the third 8 intervals are Kettlebell Swings 35#/25#, and finally, the last 8 intervals are Wall Balls (no wall ball so I did 45# Thrusters.). There is no rest between exercises.
Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.
Strength: Rest
Endurance: At least 3 hours after the WOD complete one of the following - Run or bike for 35 minutes, swim or row for 15-didn't wait and only cycled for 20 minutes

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Golf and WOD

Played 9 holes at Sunningdale and then went to office to workout.


10-10-10-10-5 Thrusters with 85#

123 Pyramid to 5 pullups, pushups and situps

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

zone reflections

I felt like crap today. I'm not sure but I think part of it might be what I ate and drank today. Breakfast was toast
lunch-chocolate bar and chicken parm sandwich from Macs
Snack=zone bar
Supper=two chicken meat pies
ravenous snacking...ate everything I could find

drank lots of coffee and had an energy drink

not really much water today

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday 037
Warm up: lighter 1 arm and 2 arm kettle bell or dumb bell swings with emphasis on keeping a neutral spine and active shoulders. Alternate back and forth between those and dips to loosen up the shoulders and back while practicing good form. Stretch out and hydrate both before and after.
WOD: 21 - 15 - 9 repetitions of kettle bell swings and ring dips for time
Strength: Rest
Endurance: 5K run- did 15 minutes elliptical and 10 minutes of rowing

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday 036
Warm up: Today is a lighter day for sure. Warm up the shoulders and lats as you begin to find a weight that is heavy enough for 12 reps. These need to be as heavy as you can tolerate.
WOD: Rest
Strength: Cable, seated, barbell or dumbbell rows (55#)and pull-overs (70#) 10 sets of 12 repetitions
Endurance: Run/Bike/Swim or row 8 rounds of 45 seconds on and 2:00 minutes off. Keep within 10% of your best spit time for a given modality and distance. For example 500 meter row split time = 1:23, keeping within 8 seconds of that for every row for a max of 1:31. I wasn't up for running and the gym was closed so I did some jumping jacks...nothing strenuous.
Coach’s comments: Equipment needed: Something to perform rows and pull-overs with. The run, bike, swim or row needs to be within that zone where you’re pulling out your fastest times.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday 032
Warm-up: Hydrate and a light jog for 5 minutes before stretching out your chest and lower body.
WOD: Rest
Strength: Shoulder presses: Heaviest weight for 10 sets of 2 repetitions each 115#
Endurance: Run 4 x 800 meters, Bike 2 x 2000 meters, row 4 x 1000 meters (did 1x150m-felt sick) Rest 90 seconds between sets. All should be done at 70 - 80 % effort for that distance and the last iteration of each is an all out effort with whatever else is left in the tank.
Coach's comments: Equipment needed - Barbell, weights and somewhere to run/bike/swim or row.
3... 2... 1... Go!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Warm-up: Hydrate, get in 3 rounds of 3 pull-ups, 3 dips and 5 squats. Stretch out the shoulders and triceps.
WOD: 5 rounds for time: 10 burpees, 15 pull-ups, and 20 squats only did 10 pullups
Strength: Weighted dips 5 sets of 3 repetitions-40#
Endurance: Choose one of the following - Row or swim for 15:00, only did 10 minutes

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Didn't workout yesterday because of trip to TO

Monday 029
Warm-up: Hydrate and stretch today. Knock out some light weight dead lifts and pull-ups to warm up the back and arms before beginning.
WOD: For time 2 dead-lifts, 2 hanging power cleans and 2 front squats every minute for 20 minutes. Weight should be 90 - 155 lbs or relatively heavy for the front squats. Used 115#
Strength: 20 Weighted pull-ups, every time your chin clears the bar there is a negative count of 3 seconds down. 25# in a backpack
Endurance: Rest

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Warm up

Carrying 45 pound 400 m
thrusters with plate 21, 15, 9

Incline presses and pullups 3 sets

Dips and rows


Warm up

Carrying 45 pound 400 m
thrusters with plate 21, 15, 9

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Warm Up

5 rounds

20 burpees
3 pullups

5 rounds

20 situps
3 pullups


7:00AM at the office...kept moving for 30 minutes.